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I Am an Australian Terrier

by Theresa A. Goiffon
20 pages    9972 reads    2 people's favorite    100 likes
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8.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $27.69   Buy: $22.15 (Save: $5.54)
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About the Book

A colorful story book full of photo's of Australian Terriers. For children and others interested in a light hearted, yet accurate description of the Australian Terrier Dog Breed.

A percentage of all book sales to be donated to for the benefit of Australian Terrier Health and Education.

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-26-2012   Published on: Jan-26-2012
ISBN: 9781605002705
Format: 8.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Photobook    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
Photo Book    Puppies   
About Author
author icon Theresa Goiffon
Joined: Jan-18-2012

Theresa has lived with and cared for dogs, cats and birds for her entire life.

She has many other interests including gardening, cooking and web designing.

Her passion is breeding, raising and sharing her experience with others interested in the Australian Terrier dog breed. She and her daughters are very active showing Australian Terriers, they have not only achieved the highest award, Best in Show, and numerous awards, they currently have breed and co-own the the #1 Australian Terrier in America (all-breed) BIS GCH Dunham Lake Scoutmaster.

She and her husband, along with their three daughters, share their lives with their animal companions in their country home in Wisconsin, USA.

For more information about the Australian Terrier, please visit:

Messages from the author:

Thank you for the nice messages, I have been very happy with the feed-back and how many people are happy to now find an Aussie photo book.

For those of you who have asked about a hard cover book, I am working on the next issue, which I'm planning to publish in the next couple months. Once my series of paper back books, are finished, I will be creating one larger hard cover photo book from the entire series.

Thank you all for your support! Blessings, Theresa

Wow! I am thrilled by the positive feed-back I have been receiving via FB! As well as the number of people that have already read this book! I am so happy this little book about this great little breed has been so well received. Theresa

I hope you enjoy my first in a series of short photo books for children and others interested in the Australian Terrier breed.

As an Australian Terrrier Breeder, I strive to not only breed to our standard healthy, sound tempered puppies, but to educate others about the breed. This book illustrates a bit about them, through photos of my actual Aussies.

Theresa A. Goiffon

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