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I Want To Buy A Magic Wand - Part 1 of Joy's Money Adventures

by Susan J. Brown
28 pages    1540 reads    0 people's favorite    3 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

Join Joy on her adventures as she learns about the value of money and hard work! This is the first book in a 5 part series where you follow Joy on her journey to become financially responsible! In later books, Joy will have to make choices and learn how to deal with the consequences of those choices as they relate to money and her future. The book is designed to educate children in family businesses however, the concepts are beneficial to all children ages 6-9 years old.

The concepts are presented in a fun and engaging manner with bright colourful images. The situatons that Joy encounters with her parents throughout the book are meant to replicate actual discussions and barriers parents face around money with their children. We want this book to open up new discussions and solutions between parents and children.

We believe that if children learn the benefits of earning and saving money from a very young age, it will help them feel empowered to create the future they want. The books will also stimulate interest in the family business and open up discussions about what they can contribute on a personal level. This can help reduce entitlement and ideally foster continuity within the family business.

Every book is interactive and has challenges to complete. Once a child earns 15 points, they become a Money Master and by emailing us, we can send them a certificate.

Features & Details
Created on: Sep-12-2018   Published on: Sep-15-2018
ISBN: 9781605007304
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Children    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 5 Pages
children    financial    money   
About Author
author icon Susan
Joined: Nov-05-2017

Susan J. Brown is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERâ„¢ and Family Enterprise Advisor Certificant. She has been advising families for over 20 years around their finances and has her own advisory practice in Calgary Alberta.

Susan has presented the concepts in this book within the public school system for over five years on a volunteer basis. She has gained hands on learning about what it takes to engage children in discussions about money. Her training as a Family Enteprise Advisor certificant has also made her see the value of educating children around financial responsbility in order to reduce entitlement and prepare children for the family wealth.

By starting to educate children around money at a very young age Susan hopes to give them the confidence and capability to manage money responsibly as they grow into young adults. By having this mindset and skillset, we believe that children will be more empowered to control their own future and choices.

Susan also has a daughter who has helped in the creation of this book. Her daughter has also been the inspiration behind the characters developed for this book.

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