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Everybody Loves Mila - Life Lessons

by Katherine Lockwood Hansen
22 pages    651 reads    1 people's favorite    4 likes
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8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $42.39   Buy: $33.91 (Save: $8.48)
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About the Book

A feel good read “The little dog that could....despite a very challenging entry into this world she has triumphed and shown the world a happier place”
Life Lessons for any age ;-)

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-04-2021   Published on: Dec-01-2021
ISBN: 9781649943569
Format: 8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Children    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 22 Pages
adults    anxiety reduction    balance    brain food    calm    children    dog love    doggslife    dogs    feel good    friends    harmony    health    life lessons    love    pawsitivity    peace    positivity    self care    self love    Smile    wellness   
About Author
author icon Kat
Joined: Jan-04-2021

A fun filled entrepreneurial spirit who loves to make people smile and laugh and is a continual student of life

Katherine has dedicated over two decades to helping chronic pain patients through their journey to reduce their pain and suffering.
She holds certifcations in happiness coaching, therapeutic art therapy, transformational coaching, life coaching, anxiety reduction and nurse education.

She is an avid photographer, poet, writer, painter and thinker to name a few. Katherine is a huge proponent of autodidactic learning.

She is passionate about learning, reducing suffering, embracing creativity, fueling personal growth and soul expansion through collaboration and creativity.

"The more I learn, the more I discover what I don't know and that my friend is exciting?

Stay Curious like George
Be Open like a Door
Be Present like a Gift
Listen with your Heart
& The World will Take you on an Amazing Journey" KLH

Messages from the author:

Dedicated to enriching peoples lives one smile at a time :-)

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