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"Mom, I Can't Lose You" - Dancing With My Walker

by Lynda Fleming
156 pages    228 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Price: $25.32   Buy: $16.71 (Save: $8.61)
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About the Book

People would say I had the worst luck. I would laugh. Were they kidding, I had the most incredible luck and experiences. I am still here to tell the tales! That is amazing in itself. Many have traveled my path, unsuccessfully. I, was touched by God, Twice, two horrific life-changing accidents. I should not be here, I am. God isn't done with me. He told me to get down there and make a difference, My Pink Sparkle Angel. Once experiencing God's Hand in yours, given another chance, your world intensifies. You live with purpose, love with passion, and see the beauty in all. Resiliency, devout Faith and the determination to make a difference in the lives of others is my mission. I proved to myself with one good leg, multiple broken bones, contusions, concussions and life long pain are boulders to overcome. I have learned to enjoy life's speed bumps, they slow us down to teach what is important. It is with Amazing Grace and Pink Sparkle Angel Wings I write and inspire.

Features & Details
Created on: Nov-17-2020   Published on: Nov-21-2020
ISBN: 9781649940735
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Open Theme    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 3 Pages
About Author
author icon Lynda Fleming
Joined: Jul-20-2010

Lynda is the Author of "Please Put My Legs In The Car". Twice God told her, “Not yet girl! We have a message to tell." This Mother, of three amazing, Gentlemen(one Marine), and precious Grandson, knows a positive legacy is imperative. Lynda flavors her life with humor, passion, courage and determination. A Retired Guidance Counselor, and Motivator, she looks for positives in others and life. A Certified Fitness Instructor, Zumba, PiYo and Pound Pro, she teaches with her walker. Others can see her, “If I can do it, they can do it” attitude. She chooses to fight through tears and pain to keep dancing. Her personal mission is to inspire others to have courage to persevere, “the greater the setback, the greater the comeback.” A strong belief system and faith is Lynda’s most powerful medicine .Humor helps. Her love of life, Family, Country, anything with Bling and Glitter, and Pink is Lynda’s passion. She is a true crusader.

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