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The Frequency Shift

by Chrissy Velez
20 pages    1598 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Price: $8.19    Gold Member Price: $7.37
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About the Book

Have you ever witnessed someone yawn immediately after you? It is said that a yawn is contagious. I say that our energy is. Imagine the possibility of what current society could look like if we all suddenly became aware of what kind of energy, or vibration, we were projecting out into the world. Thoughts, emotions, and behaviors all compound into your own personal frequency. Like a pebble across a pond, your energy has a vast ripple effect above most human comprehension. "The Frequency Shift" is a book birthed out of creation, personal experience, and an unconditional love for the unknown. As I continue to grow, thrive, and discover my own purpose under the stars, I invite you to stargaze along with me and ask yourself the same daily question I ask; Who am I being today?

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-03-2018   Published on: Dec-11-2018
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Blog Book    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon Chrissy
Joined: Dec-03-2017

Exactly 1 year after publishing her first book, "Ask The Muse," Chrissy Velez has channeled her visions into another blog masterpiece. "The Frequency Shift" has a social documentary vibe and a contagious objectivity, while the soul of the book contains a recipe for introspective thinking, inner shadow work, and the possibility of a new sense of energy awareness. With a great concern for her impact on other's well-being, Chrissy Velez chose to funnel all of her teachings, perspectives, and personal experiences into a hand-held edition of creativity, fun, and self-discovery!

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