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The Stories of One Shot Scott

by Tom Scott
132 pages    21674 reads    0 people's favorite    9 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

This book is dedicated to all the shipmates with whom I served throughout the decades of the sixties, seventies and eighties. It is especially dedicated to all those naval aviators who shared the daily risks of their profession quietly, many of whom gave their lives in the service of their country. Some of them are:

Cdr John Sullivan (Med Cruise ’58)

Ltjg Tom Davis (Med Cruise ’58)

LT. Marshall “Boomer” Zinner (Conus ’59)

LCDR Charlie Knighton (Conus ’61)

LCDR Gordie Engle, (Conus ’61)

CDR John Abbott (Vietnam ’67)

LTjg Jim Graham (Vietnam ’67)

LT Bob “Nort” Naughton (Vietnam ’67) POW – repatriated 1973

LCDR Pat Anderson (Med ’78)

LTjg Steve Musselman (Vietnam ’72)

LT Tom Wieland (post-Vietnam ’73)

I dedicate this effort to my wife, Timmie, who had a ringside seat throughout the journey. She, more often than not, single-handedly, held our family together through it all. As everyone in this profession knows, one does not..

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-13-2013   Published on: Jan-14-2013
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Writings    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 132 Pages
About Author
author icon Thomas Scott
Joined: Jan-13-2013

I am not a historian. Neither am I a writer. I am a storyteller, and my purpose is to relate stories that are interesting, humorous, or perhaps contain some worthwhile message or meaning for the reader. The stories in this writing reflect events as they occurred during specific periods during thirty years in our Navy and our nation’s history. These are stories I have enjoyed telling over the years, and ones that others seem to have enjoyed hearing. They are all true, and some effort was made to mask identities and reflect favorably on the characters therein where possible. Where events do reflect unfavorably on individuals, I tried to be careful to relate those situations accurately. Just remember that I have chosen stories that reflect the life and times of this period and to give the reader a “flavor of the times.”

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