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ABC Islam

by Wessam M. Abraham
188 pages    74491 reads    2 people's favorite    55 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

The book addresses the people who feel there is something wrong with the current version of Islam but do not know what exactly is wrong, and why Muslims are lagging behind the world, and I make it clear that following the Religion of Abraham is the proper fashion of Islam. I have kept most of the Quranic terminology in Arabic without translation to avoid misconception. Yet, the innovation of this book lies in its being the first book written in a Brainstorming fashion and the Quran verses are being explained more liberally according to Personal Development concepts and theories and in light of the Bible which proves that the Quran and the Bible are both guiding us to a better life and vision than what we have now in the Arab World. The book addresses most of the taboos now causing conflict between the Arab world along with the Muslims all over the world and the rest of the world. Taboos as Palestine-Israel conflict, Relation with Jews and Christians, Politics and The Egyptian Revolution, Virginity, Veil, Marriage and the Woman taboo in general, Sexuality and Homosexuality, Praying, The Danish Cartoons about Muhammad, Karma, Reincarnation Theory, A Nobel prize agenda and more. It is a phenomenal study that proves the Quran is guiding us to live a life close to what the West is living today, and Islam is not at all guiding us to be a conservative and black or white society but on the contrary is guiding us towards liberty, and that there is acceptance room in the Quran for everyone even the Homosexuals in a religion which I call "Islam of Abraham".

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-01-2011   Published on: Aug-01-2011
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Presentation    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 188 Pages
egypt    egyptian    islam    jesus    koran    mohamed    muhammad    politics    psychology    quran    ramadan    religion    revolution    sex    spirituality   
About Author
author icon Wessam Abrahim
Joined: Jul-29-2011

My name is Wessam M. Abraham, Egyptian Telecom Engineer who worked as Marketing and Sales Manager for Ericsson Telecom, Nokia Networks and Cisco Systems, BSc. Telecom Engineering Cairo University graduate and Personal Development specialist (Life Coach). I have traveled to Europe and lived in Sweden, Spain and Finland for years. I also studied Genesis, The Bible and The Quran in two different languages.

Messages from the author:

rafrafen: هل انت تسب الاسلام ام مادا
WessamNobel: لا هما مش بيحبوا ارائى
WessamNobel: انا لا اسب ذبابه
rafrafen: ولكن الست اراك غريبة هل انت مسلم ام مسيحي
WessamNobel: انا مسلم اتبع ملة ابراهيم حنيفا و اتبع الرسول المسيح و قران محمد
WessamNobel: ty
rafrafen: يعني انت تقريبا مسلم
WessamNobel: ملة ابراهيم هى الاسلام مش الوهابيه
rafrafen: ما معنى الوهابية
WessamNobel: الوهابيه ان تشهد ان رسول الله هو محمد وليس المسيح
rafrafen: وهل محمد ليس رسول الله
WessamNobel: رسول الله هو المسيح , محمد هو النبى و لكنه مجرد رسول و ليس الرسول
rafrafen: ما الفرق بين مجرد رسول وليس الرسول
WessamNobel: الرسول معناها المسيح
WessamNobel: اما محمد فهو النبى فى القران
rafrafen: وما هو دليلك
WessamNobel: يا ايها الذين امنوا امنوا بالله ورسوله
rafrafen: انت تصدق بالقران يعني يجب تصدق كل ما في القران
rafrafen: امنوا بالله ورسوله ورسوله هو محمد
WessamNobel: يا ايها الذين امنوا بمحمد امنوا الله والمسيح
rafrafen: ما معنى المسيح
WessamNobel: المسيح هو الرجل الذى يحكم العالم, و هو اوباما الان
rafrafen: وما علاقة اوباما بالرسول
rafrafen: هل الله ارسله
WessamNobel: اوباما رسول الله و جعله وجيها و ذى قوة عند ذى العرش مكين مطاع ثم امين كما جاء فى وصف الرسول
rafrafen: وهل اوباما ارسله الله هل اتاه الوحي
WessamNobel: و قوله فى جامعة القاهرة قول رسول كريم حصل به على جائزة نوبل
WessamNobel: طبعا, الله يحكم العالم من خلال اوباما
rafrafen: وهل الله اوحى له حتى يكون رسول
WessamNobel: لو لم يسيطر الله على فكر اوباما سوف يطغى زى فرعون ما كان بيحكم العالم
WessamNobel: فرعون قال انا ربكم الاعلى
rafrafen: يعني انت تؤمن ب رسول اوباما ام مادا
WessamNobel: طبعا و أؤمن بالرسول بوش الذى حمى الكعبه من بطش صدام حسين واصاحاب الفيل العراقيين
rafrafen: اليش بوش مجرم كيف تعتبره رسول
rafrafen: hgds
rafrafen: اليس
WessamNobel: بوش هو المسيح السابق و ما ضربوه بالجزمه و لكن شبه لهم
rafrafen: المسيح كيف يكون المسيح وهو مجرم
rafrafen: قتل الكثير من المسلمين
WessamNobel: قتل الكثير من المشركين
rafrafen: انت تعتبر المسلمين مشركين
WessamNobel: الوهابيين مشركين ولو سموا انفسهم الملائكه
rafrafen: انا مسلم هل انا مشرك في نظرك
WessamNobel: للاسف انت صديقى و مشرك بالله سنة الاولين
rafrafen: لم افهم
rafrafen: ما معنى مشرك بالله سنة الاولين
WessamNobel: اى انك تتبع ما الفيت عليه اباءك
rafrafen: انا اتبع القران مثلك ادا كنت تتبع القران وسنة محمد رسول الله
WessamNobel: انت تتبع ما تشابه منه
WessamNobel: انت يستعين بتفسيرات لاناس اضلوا الناس و اتبعوا الشهوات و اضاعوا الصلاة امثال الطبرى و القرطبى و الشعراوى
rafrafen: ومن اين اتيت بهده المعلومات

rafrafen: ومن اين اتيت بهده المعلومات
WessamNobel: من قراءاتى
rafrafen: هل ممكن تكون وحدك في كل العالم من سيدخل الجنة وكل العالم مشرك
WessamNobel: و أمرت أن أكون أول المسلمين
WessamNobel: انا هاروح اوروبا او امريكا بالفعل و لكن لن أكون الاول و لن اكون الاخير ممن يدخلون الجنه و لكن مرتبتى هناك قد تكون افضل من غيرى ممن يتسولون فى الجنه بطرق غير شرعيه
rafrafen: كيف يتسولون في الجنة
WessamNobel: هناك من يعمل فى محطات البنزين مقابل بقشيش فى امريكا و اوروبا
rafrafen: وهل امريكا واوربا هي الجنة
rafrafen: يعني هده الجنة
WessamNobel: الجنه مكانها السماوات و هى الاراضى العليا من العالم
WessamNobel: و نحن ندخل الجنه و نعذب هناك و ليس نعذب كل العذاب من قبل كل النعيم
rafrafen: نعدب في الجنة كيف
WessamNobel: نعذب بأمراض المجتمع الغربى من سرقات و اغتصاب و فقر
rafrafen: وبعد الموت مادا يحدث لن نعدب
WessamNobel: سوف يغيضك الله فى رحم امراه جديده و انت و اعمالك ستتحددون هل امك القادمة هى الاميرة ديانا ام ام محمد الغلبانه اللى جوزها مات و معاها 4 عيال انت اصغر واحد فيهم


wessamabraham: hi allonyoav
allonyoav: Hi, how you?
wessamabraham: fine, how about ramadan in your country?
allonyoav: Umm I wouldn't know since Jews don't observe it
wessamabraham: marc i want to ask you about women in Judaism
wessamabraham: do u allow sex before marriage for almana not betula?
allonyoav: Its nit allowed for anyone. The prohibition states "lo tiheyeh zenus b'bas Yisrael"- "there should not be promiscuity in the daughters of Israel"- a blanket term for all Jewish women
wessamabraham: what does promiscuity stand for? fornication or adultery?
allonyoav: Promiscuity is sex. Adultery is sex where one or both the partners are married to other people. Sex before marriage is a minor sin in Judaism- adultery a major one! The Christians tend to use the term fornication for all of them, it generally is not used much in Judaism
wessamabraham: yes, i understand this
wessamabraham: what is the punishment of adutery and fornication in judaism?
allonyoav: Theoretically death, practically the two are divorced, and if the woman was the guilty party she looses the marriage settlement. Even when Jewish courts had the power to use the death sentence, it was virtually unknown due to the strict rules around- including two kosher witnesses that warned the participants before the act, the warning was acknowledged and then they performed the forbidden act within a very short space of time of acknowledging the warning.
allonyoav: For sex before marriage- no punishment beyond damage to the reputation and the fact that the girl gets a lower settlement in case of divorce
wessamabraham: does judaism recommend you to marry betula or almana?
allonyoav: Umm, you seem to have the wrong idea- an almanah can be a virgin as well, it is just indicative of a legal age category in Jewish law. So, of course it is better to marry a virgin, as it is better to marry a virtuous woman. However that would be the case with a woman that has never been married. We do not make assumptions of virtue or lack thereof based on status for a divorcee or widow
wessamabraham: does the age 40 resemble a change of life and status in Judaism?
wessamabraham: was the age 40 mentioned anywhere?
allonyoav: Not for many things- it is seen as an age at which a person has reached a certain level of maturity but it has no practical aaplicati9ons with the exception that it is the age at which traditionally those who were able could start to study Kabbalah
wessamabraham: do you have to pray 3 times a day?
allonyoav: Yep, three services a day- but also prayers said as we wake p and before we go to sleep, plus blessings for many actions, before eating, after eating, before studying etc
wessamabraham: is it possible a muslim marries a girl from israel?
allonyoav: Possible if she isn't observant of Jewish law. The Torah explicitly forbids a Jew, male or female, from marrying a person from another religion
wessamabraham: is it allowed a muslim becomes Jewish or it is only implicit for children of israel?
allonyoav: Anyone can convert, regardless of their previous religion ut only if they drop all previous religious beliefs. You cannot mix Judaism with other religions
wessamabraham: if a muslim takes his weekend on Saturday, does he get twice as much on friday? or this only happens to children of israel because they are the chosen people?
allonyoav: Not sure what you are talking about? What do you mean does he get twice as much on Friday, twice as much of what?
wessamabraham: money
wessamabraham: it is stated in the bible
allonyoav: Umm, we don't get twice as much money on Friday- there is no such statement anywhere in the Tanakh
wessamabraham: it is in the bible that you should take saturday as a day off, and ypou would get the food for 2 days on friday
wessamabraham: in the old testament
wessamabraham: is the old testament any different from the tanakh?


wessamabraham: it is in the bible that you should take saturday as a day off, and ypou would get the food for 2 days on friday
wessamabraham: in the old testament
wessamabraham: is the old testament any different from the tanakh?
allonyoav: That was specific to the generation in the desert, They had to collect a double portion of food on Friday as they could not collect it on Saturday. For us, it teaches us that we have to prepare on Friday for the Shabbos because we cannto cook etc on Shabbos itself.
allonyoav: It has nothing to do with earning extra money at all
wessamabraham: what is the difference between yahweh and Hashem?
allonyoav: As for the old Testament- it is a bad translation which is reordered from the original Tanakh with different chapter and verse numbers in some places, different book orders etc to try and alter emphasis and meaning.
wessamabraham: do the christians claim the same؟
allonyoav: Yahweh - a bad guess at how the name of G-d should be pronounced, Hashem just means "The Name", and is a term of respect to avoid saying the name of G-d
wessamabraham: how was the tanakh written if the plates were destroyed by Moses?
allonyoav: The Christians have a hard time attacking the Tanakh- it isn't a translation and the order of the books was set up by Ezra the scribe 400 years before Jesus even existed. The chapter breaks and verses are missing from the original but were maintained by the utilisation of a specific tune for chanting it- and it was this that was used by the Masoretic sages in their break down into chpters and verses
allonyoav: The ORIGINAL ones were broken, after that Moshe went back up the mountain and made new tablets and wrote a scroll with the entire Torah on it which was placed on the Aron Kodesh just before he died
wessamabraham: so the tanakh existing today is that of Ezra, right?
allonyoav: Yep, that is what Jews claim
wessamabraham: did anyone at this time say Ezra is the son of G-d?
allonyoav: Nope- Jews see everyone as a figurative son of G-d, but no one as a literal son of G-d. To us, claiming a huma being is a divine being is a completely blasphemous notion
wessamabraham: so how holy is Ezra to the Jews?
wessamabraham: is he like Moses?
allonyoav: Just the same as any other prophet. Thus he is not as holy as Moshe. We see Moshe as being in an unique position of being the only prophet to speak directly tp G-d, all other prophets only received indirect prophecy
wessamabraham: how holy is his donkey as an animal in israel?
wessamabraham: is he a respected animal or the same like in Egypt , :)
allonyoav: Donkeys are not holy at all. They are the same as any other non-kosher animal
allonyoav: Gotta go- ny father';s car has broken down and gotta go pick him up.
wessamabraham: last question, what about wine in judaism? is it prohibited or allowed?
allonyoav: Wine which is kosher ids allowe- non-kosher wine isn't allowed
wessamabraham: this conversation is very informative, do u mind if i put it on my page?
allonyoav: Nope- go ahead, what is your page?
wessamabraham: thanks Marc, talk later my friend, I will send you the link
wessamabraham: thank you very much for youer time
allonyoav: sure, cheers for now
wessamabraham: cheers, bye

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