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The Lying Truth

by smileyfacesrule%30
24 pages    5935 reads    9 people's favorite    13 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $20.03    Gold Member Price: $18.03
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About the Book

This is the Dare Game. Strange things go on in our lives, but even stranger things are about to happen, and I have a feeling things are about to get alot stranger when you read the next book in the series, The Lying Truth Book 2.

Features & Details
Created on: Jun-22-2012   Published on: Oct-18-2012
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Fiction    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 24 Pages
find out    living lies   
About Author
author icon smileyfacesrule%30
Joined: Mar-31-2012

ok so i must put this out there,

ok, :\ well, i warn you after this story starts, i am hardly myself sometimes it seems fake and that's why i made a book about it, anyhew here it goes

when i was little i could read, and i don't mean like three four years old, i mean, like, one and one month younge, and i turned everything into a joke, so i had to write a short story, in my class, and i did, i had the best story, and i thought one day i should have a word document for my jokes, well i started doing a little worse in subjects cause i would write jokes,

when i turned 5 i went to kindergarten i had to learn to spell, well i already could, so they made me write a story about myself, they made me share it in front of the class,

when i became 7 i had the strictest teacher in school and she wouldn't let me write, until it was writing time, i wrote jokes, and stories about me,

in fourth grade i had to write my FIRST fiction story... i LOVED it, they were weak, but i managed

last year i started bookemon and i wanted to write fiction if you remember MONSTER the older one, well that was me i SUCKED!!!!!

now i write better stories, but i always remember my jokes and try to remember how to be funny

well i can't, i have lame jokes and no one likes me, no one will take time to read my books thoroughly

they won't take time for the feeling and meaning of my stories, i want to teach people a lesson that no matter WHAT i WONT give up and they WONT put me down, that is why i stayed here.

and this story doesn't sound like me at all it seems more like advice, but i don't care, it is what i feel and thats how i write too, writing is connected with my life, and i won't let it go.

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1.smiley faces rule%u30C5

this represents, im first for featured author and i love you all for getting me there.....

carlieanne, you are my new bf... (got to lazy to spell that out) all of my other bf's are still my bf's i just have another one, and she is WAY prettier than me.....

1st u shud know about me is that i am MONSTER i deleted my old account 4 personal reasons!!!!

kk and the rest is simple, its, well obviously i love hart, evercrossed is my best fren on here and elana in real life,

ETRADE BABY IS HILLARIOUS, BIG WORD HI-5! im super shy, im afraid of hights 2,

im, what u ma call it, umm, not normal if u cant find me writing im climbing trees IM 4 SERIOUS i <3 WUDZ im odd sometimes and people call me crrrazzzzzzy!!!!!

but the craziest thing ive done is, actually theres not a top one 1 time i wore my dress for the wedding backwards and inside out then something to do with um only morgan knows that secret and shed never tell, rite morgan????

I got my taco died from evercrossed. so dont send me h8 mail cuz i copied ur idea its cuz i like it!!!! Oh and not naming who sed i copied carter the rainbow wolf well now u no y stop sending me h8 mail or ill delete u from frenz list

i dont care y people dont like me but, idk y they do!!! actually about a month ago, i figured out that, they didn't like me cause i talked alot... I do NOT!!!

Id reallllly apreciate comments on my bux i hope u @ least like my book(s). i may have a series of a book im typing!!!! its called alone in the woods its where, actually u shud read the description urself but just incase, elanas parents leave she finds ever more and katie! wuts kts secret and her mom and dad r there?! old fortune teller wait evil !!??, and elana has a power??? elana reads katies mnd shes a wut???!!! squirrel, evil trys to kill her, people try to kill ela cuz of her power???!!!??!!?! u can find out all the answers in my book(s) Alone in the woods book #1 evermore i hope is finished by the end of 2014 hopfully sooner like the end of 2013 or the beggining of 2014! i know its a looooooooooooong ways away but i hope its worth it! Im NOT SAYING IT WILL BE DONE BY THEN IM SAYING IM HOPING IT WILL BE!!!!

i LOVE basket ball but i wont play at school (for personal reasons)

I'm kat my frenz call me pickle i love soccer! I have mad ninja skills! So don't hack my account!!!! I will find you.

I also enjoy smiley faces. They rule!!! Feel free to add me as a friend. i go to a school somewhere.

My friends would call me crazy annoying.(That is if i had any.)

I like yelling at people i don't know. J.K. but i would if i could........

When I was in Chicago, at least 10 people asked me for my phone number. CREEPERS!

And i am lazy but still madly active, just lazy during school work, and chores!!!

Also I love evercrossed in the friend way!!!! ALSO Jamie!

NOTE TO SELF: evercrossed b-day is June 30th if you don't say happy- b-day to her i will get you cause i know you read this!!!

I have straight blonde hair when i straighten it, yes people at my school i straighten my hair, my hair is wavy. and hangsa little under my shoulders. im not a girlygirl my mom only buys me girly clothes, and occasionally i pretend to be girly to flirt with the guy i like. But i have a boy friend is that crazy?

im awesome or so my friends also would say, and my friend makayla and i, are bound to be fwends. the whole time we were at a different school, we stayed by eachother and talked, my bffleal in real life that i know personally in person, i think you get the point, was so jelouse i could tell she wouldn't speak to me. And then she canceled on me going camping with her.

Never be afraid to do whats right, obviously evercrossed is my bff cause we both have it on our profile!!!!! i get teary eyed when something great happens to her, and when something great happens to me she says: holy something i don't exactly remember!!!! but it was funny!!!!

my last name is gebhart and i live in hart!!! weird right??

oh i have something really important toi say, I AM EVERYONE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!! EVEN IF YOU HATE ME I WILL LOVE YOU!!!!!

also i don't mean to brag but i love.... wait....... i just forgot what i was going to say.....

oh if there is anyone who would laugh with you until you die, live with you while you die, give you hope while you die, be a friend of yours while you die, it'd be me.......

if you are living i love you..... even if everyone were to hate you. I will be your friend.......

oh i remember what i was going to say!!! it was darn i shouldn't have used so many smiley faces!!!!!!! Oh i forgot again......

one last thing befiore i go!!! FRUITSALAD YUMMYYUMMY!!! lolz ≧❀‿❀≦

lol :0) TALK MUCH??!!

i am a kid of 14, i have 4 parents. My parents divorced when i was 3 or 4 and i have barely heard of them since.

six brothers named, alex, brandon, phil, joey, cody, and blaze.

seven sisters named, leah, leah again, renada, flame, paige, hayley, gracie, and of course i am in this family.

my dads names are Jim (step), and Troy

Mom's names are, Cindy (step), Yvonne.

this may be very confusing, so WARNING....

my cousins are now my brother and sister. Jim was married to my dad's sister, my Aunt Shannon. So, Jim was my Uncle, well, now hge's married to my mom, so, SOS or SMS Save My Soul!!!!

I love everything living, kitties, doggies bunnies, but i HATE mosquitoes, hoarse flies, or anything that sucks blood!!!!!

I thought i was the only one who loved my blood, but apparently the mini vampires do too!!!!! VAMPIRES!!!!!

O.k. for real this time i will say only one more thing, my b-day (to lazy to spell it) is August 28th just so if you were to send me some HUGE present that's my b-day, I love surprises.... but not hiccups, o.k. im going to stop tal;king before io lose my voice on the computer.

plus it's practically impossible for me to quit talking

so bye

and thanks for reading this.....

katie, kate, kat, which ever one you wanna call me....

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