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by William Wenk Jr.
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11"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

Do you wonder why the sky is blue?
Well, have I got the book for you.
Go ahead and look inside,
Come along with Todd and his friend and you shall find
Th answer to why flowers are pink, why there are snakes,
Why bats fly at night, and why fish swim in the lakes.

This Christianity themed children’s book is great for children ages three to eight. This book would make a great gift for parents, grandparents, and church groups to buy for young children.

Children are naturally curious about the world around them, and the main character Todd is no different, he asks his friend tons of questions about the world around him trying to discover the answer. Come along with Todd and his friend and find out why the sky is blue, why some people are tall and others are short, find out why skunks stink, why fish swim and birds fly, and the answer to so many questions in the book “Why?”.

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-26-2022   Published on: Jan-05-2023
ISBN: 9781649945747
Format: 11"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Children    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 10 Pages
Children’s    Poetry    Religious   
About Author
author icon Angela Wenk
Joined: Dec-26-2022
Messages from the author:

This Christianity themed children’s book is great for children ages three to eight. This book would make a great gift for parents, grandparents, and church groups to buy for young children. Children are naturally curious about the world around them, and the main character Todd is no different, he asks his friend tons of questions about the world around him trying to discover the answer. Come along with Todd and his friend and find out why the sky is blue, why some people are tall and others are short, find out why skunks stink, why fish swim and birds fly, and the answer to so many questions in the book “Why?”.

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