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Art is in the Heart of Houston - Art on Long Point

by Spring Branch Management District
24 pages    364 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $18.83    Gold Member Price: $16.95
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About the Book

“Art on Long Point” is a community-based project to display locally created, three-dimensional art work along the length of Long Point Road to Hempstead Highway. As primary sponsor and driving force behind the program, the Spring Branch Management District, has announced plans to continue the exhibit indefinitely. However, since each individual piece of art is available for purchase, the pieces will be on display for nine months, but will be rotated with new ones over time. The first seven (7) pieces of art include a larger-than-life patchwork dog and a highly stylized house on stilts. To learn more about the program visit

The project plays off other successful art outdoor exhibitions in Houston such as the Mini Mural program. These public displays provide much-needed support to artists by showcasing local talent and the truly unique and imaginative pieces they create. The Spring Branch District has budgeted for a mini-mural program as well for 2020.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-23-2020   Published on: Apr-24-2020
Format: 8.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Special Event    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 24 Pages
About Author
author icon gus
Joined: Oct-06-2011

Spring Branch Management District’s mission is to positively impact public safety, business development, environmental and urban design, and mobility and transportation to help create an environment attractive to business, to facilitate profitability, and to promote the redevelopment and growth of the area.

Ongoing programs spearheaded by the Spring Branch Management District include working with the Houston Police Department to promote its Blue Star Program to bring apartment complexes and multifamily residential units into compliance with current city codes, providing constable patrols to enhance security, removing graffiti on public and private property, maintaining various landscapes throughout the district, removing bandit signs, enforcing news rack ordinance, and pursuing health code violations.

Rich with diverse culture and history, Spring Branch is uniquely situated to provide resources and quality of life for businesses and residents alike.

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