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If You Do Not Believe Me, Ask Me - Book 1

by Jeff Stephenson
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7"x10" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
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About the Book

Three things that would not usually be contested;

(1) High-caliber rounds fired point blank into the chest are fatal,
(2) You should be asleep while the doctor pieces your gastro-intestinal organs back together, and
(3) You are supposed to lay low when a bounty is taken out on your life by a known violent criminal organization.

In all three cases however, my father, Max, a former police Lt. Patrolman, chose to entertain different beliefs.

This is his story as told to me by him and those involved.

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-23-2021   Published on: Jan-23-2021
ISBN: 9781649941350
Format: 7"x10" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Memoir    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 24 Pages
About Author
author icon JHS
Joined: Jan-23-2021

Jeff Stephenson was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi but learned how to fly before he learned how to walk....on a plane that is.

Spending most of his life outside of the United States including elementary school in Canada and Indonesia, he graduated from the American School of Kuwait. He returned to the USA and after a short stint in college, the music industry and an interesting job offer, he headed back overseas.

Eventually deciding it was time to hang up his international career spanning three decades in large scale EPC, business creation, executive leadership, government contracts, advising the UNGC and heads of state, he came back to the USA in 2017.

He currently resides in Bentonville, Arkansas with his wife, youngest of six children and a black lab who acts like number 7.

He now spends his time split between contract assignments, family endeavors, playing NL Hold'em and writing his memoirs.

Messages from the author:

This is book 1 of many to come where I will chronicle the people and events that I experienced in my unconventional and to be honest, unbelievable life to date. I hope you enjoy it and the subsequent works. Please let me know your thoughts. Remember, if you do not believe me, ask me.

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