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Journal Writing Prompts

by WritingTreasureChest
84 pages    14039 reads    1 people's favorite    7 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Price: $19.27    Gold Member Price: $17.34
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About the Book

This is a must have resource for any teacher or parent. Writing prompts for every week of the school year. Each worksheet has 3 distinct components:

- brainstorming & planning (including prompting questions to explore them and discussion points**great for reluctant writers**)

- lined page for writing

- space for Follow-up editing/proofreading task

These activities provide children with a scaffolded introduction to the writing process. The carefully designed planning and brainstorming pages will give children the confidence to write.

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-06-2016   Published on: Dec-06-2016
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: School    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 84 Pages
About Author
author icon WritingTreasureChest
Joined: Dec-06-2016

Teaching writing was initailly a struggle for me. When I first came out of university I realised that it was now my responsibility to to teach the students in front of me how to write. I must admit that the first 5 years was constant chopping and changing and trying to discover what worked for me. Creative/independent writing time was always an issue. I felt the work that was being produced wasn't quite at the standard I expected from my students, but whose fault was this.

I fell in love with a method I call ' the read, think, draw, write approach'. I found my kids were actively engaged in writing and the quality improved when they were given time to plan, draw and think in detail about what they were going to write. However, time wasn't all they needed. They also needed a scaffold. This is when I designed my first 'fluency' writing task. After seeing the success my students had with this format I felt like I needed to share it, so that parents could help their children at home...

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