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Letters for Lizzie

by Gwen Prattley-Wyatt
76 pages    2458 reads    0 people's favorite    3 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $49.90    Gold Member Price: $44.91
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8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

For many families in rural New Zealand, WW1 placed a terrible legacy upon the young farmers who were to become soldiers and a great sadness upon their loved ones. This journal follows the impact of WW1 upon the Hall family of Gapes Valley, South Canterbury, New Zealand. Four brothers fought in "The Great War" - in the campaigns of Gallipoli, the Western Front and the Sinai-Palestine conflicts.

Lizzie and Daisy Hall kept postcards and letters sent and received from their brothers and many of their friends who were called up to join the war effort raging on the other side of the world. The original albums have maintained the postcards condition over the decades to provide a treasure trove of information for what daily life was like for our boys caught up in the war.

100 years on, it is time to reflect, remember and share the tragedy that unfolded upon these men in battle and our family who waited for them.

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-27-2018   Published on: Nov-24-2018
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Family History    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 76 Pages
About Author
author icon Gwen
Joined: Feb-18-2018

As a teenager I first began flicking through an old WW1 era postcard album hidden away in a wardrobe at my parent’s farm (New Zealand). Many years later, with more interest and curiosity about our family history, I realised that this old album was holding a significant family story.

If not for their sisters, my great aunts, Lizzie and Daisy, we would not have had this opportunity to learn about and share their sad but compelling war-time experiences. I am pleased to have been able to complete the project in time for the 2018 One Hundred Year Anniversary of WWI 1914-1918. The outcome is to be able to share their story with their descendants - LEST WE FORGET.

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