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Shadows of Resilience

by Tracey O'Dell-Chaves
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8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Matte Laminate - Color Trade Book
Price: $31.19    Gold Member Price: $28.07
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About the Book

“Emerging from Shadows: A Journey of Resilience”by Tracey-Lee Vivian O’dell Chaves In the depths of a world shrouded in darkness and despair, a girl named Vivian was born. June 28, 1978, marked not only her entrance into the world but also the beginning of a tumultuous journey filled with unimaginable pain and heartache. Vivian was born into a life marred by abuse, both physical and sexual. From the very beginning, Vivian's existence was defined by the shadows that surrounded her. She had six siblings, but only two shared the same mother and father. Her half-sister's presence in court on the day of her birth foreshadowed the turbulent path that lay ahead. As a baby, Vivian arrived with black eyes, evidence of the violence that had already touched her fragile life. Her brother, too, bore the scars of a broken leg, a testament to the darkness that consumed their world. Hope flickered briefly when they were taken into the care of Child and Family Services (C.A.S), a glimmer of light in their otherwise torment-filled lives. However, salvation eluded them as their journey took an even darker turn. The sanctuary they had hoped for was transformed into a nightmare of unimaginable proportions. The adults who were supposed to protect and love them were instead cruel, abusive, and devoid of compassion. Vivian grew up in a world devoid of love, surrounded by enemies disguised as family. The negative behaviors of the adults in her life played out before her eyes, leaving scars that ran deeper than any physical wound. Loneliness became her constant companion, and trust was a foreign concept in her shattered reality. But within the depths of Vivian's darkest moments, a glimmer of resilience sparked within her. Despite the pain that threatened to consume her, she refused to let it define her. She yearned for a different path, one where love, compassion, and kindness were not mere illusions. As Vivian grew older, she sought solace in the power of her own strength and the belief that she was destined for more. She made a vow to break the cycle of abuse, to rise above the darkness that had plagued her childhood. With unwavering determination, she began to carve her own path, defying the odds stacked against her. Vivian's journey was not an easy one. She faced countless obstacles, battled her inner demons, and confronted the ghosts of her past. But through it all, she discovered the power of self-love and resilience. She learned that despite the horrors she endured, she was not defined by them. She found the strength to forgive, not for the sake of those who had hurt her, but for her own healing. And as Vivian emerged from the shadows, she realized that her story could inspire others. Her journey, though filled with pain, was a testament to the indomitable spirit within us all. She became a beacon of hope for those who had suffered in silence, a reminder that no matter how dark the world may seem, there is always a glimmer of light waiting to be found. So, dear friends, let Vivian's story serve as a testament to the power of resilience and the triumph of the human spirit. No matter the darkness that engulfs your path, remember that you are not alone. Embrace your scars, for they are a testament to your strength. And let Vivian's journey inspire you to believe in the extraordinary power that lies within your own personal journey.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-15-2024   Published on: Apr-15-2024
Format: 8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Matte Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Open Theme    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon Tracey O'Dell-Chaves
Joined: Mar-28-2024
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