Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: AHarrisonH

Public Books Published

* Lacerations - Opened Wounds In Poetic Stanzas
8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Matte Laminate - B&W Book
132 Pages,  Jul-15-2023
List Price: $40.17

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* Lacerations - Opened Wounds In Poetic Stanzas
8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
132 Pages,  Jul-15-2023
List Price: $36.17

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* Lacerations - Opened Wounds In Poetic Stanzas
8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
132 Pages,  Jul-15-2023
List Price: $35.11

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* Lacerations - Opened Wounds In Poetic Stanzas
PDF eBook
132 Pages,  Jul-15-2023
List Price: $7.99

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Author Information


About Author:
AHarrisonH was born in New Orleans, but has relocated to Midway, Florida and Montgomery, Alabama. Due to medical diagnoses of fibromyalgia and major depression she chose writing as a form of therapy. Now she shares her writings with the world. Her poems represent emotions ranging from joy to Bi-polar depression and suicidal thoughts. Allow her to take you on a ride of highs and lows in the form of stanzas. Her prayers, traumas and personal thoughts are written down in hopes of encouraging others that maybe experiencing similar things in their own lives. She firmly believes that life is like school filled with lessons to learn. If you don’t learn from each lesson, you continue to repeat the same grade until you have learned what you needed from the experience. Only after applying what you have learned to your life can you say with confidence that you have overcome adversity!
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