Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: roger

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Public Books Published

* A Collection of Original Lyrics - by Roger Slater
8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
44 Pages,  Jan-06-2024
List Price: $12.87

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* A Collection of Original Lyrics - by Roger Slater
PDF eBook
44 Pages,  Jan-06-2024
List Price: $7.99

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About Author:
Like so many others, I have been a musician and songwriter for many years. Although I never expected to "make it" in the music industry, I have enjoyed performing locally and writing songs with many of my musician friends. I have always been the "lyric" guy. I have always felt that I am more of a poet than a songwriter. Lyrics are an expression of one's feelings under a certain set of circumstances, whether real or imagined.
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