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Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Lee

Author Information


About Author:
Leroy Altman is 42 years old and lives in South Carolina with this wife and daughter. Leroy’s son is serving in the United States Army. Leroy is a Allendale –Fairfax High School graduate and played one year of football at Chowan College in North Carolina. With no college degree Leroy decided to join the the Army and served with the 101st Airborne Division and the Berlin Brigade.

After leaving the military in 1992, Leroy decided to stay in Berlin to learn more of the history and culture of the city. He worked for the city of Berlin.

In 1998 Leroy moved back to South Carolina were he worked as a Correctional Officer for the state’s correctional system. Leroy currently proudly serves as a SFC in the South Carolina

State Guard. This is Leroy’s first book with hopefully many more to come.
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