Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: kmassarotti

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About Author:
I am the organized one, I enjoy searching for the recipes and do the shopping. I do NOT enjoy cooking and joke that if were not for Jay, the girls and I would eat grilled cheese and soup every night. Luckily, Jason does enjoy cooking and he is GREAT at it! His downfall... he does not like to follow recipes. This is not always a bad thing, but he cannot create the same thing twice. This is my solution to our mess of a recipe box!
I have many recipes that have been passed down from both my mom and dad's side of the family that I would to make sure continue to be made for generations to come. Our other inspiration is Jason's mom. She is a wonderful cook and sadly this past year lost everything in a moving truck fire. This is our way of preserving some of our family favorites and passing them along.
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