Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Paula

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The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc., as a group of trained volunteers, is committed to addressing the many aspects of literacy in underserved communities in the greater Philadelphia area.

The JLP has been effecting change and making a positive impact in the Greater Philadelphia area for 96 years. Outdoor Academics, our new signature focus, represents the intersection of children's health and wellness and the natural environment. Outdoor Academics includes programming designed to enhance the health and wellbeing of children by creating permanent garden patches, developing natural science learning programs, promoting healthy nutrition habits, and fostering a basic love of our natural environment. Our members devote thousands of volunteer hours to our community projects.

• We value training and education that supports our mission and advances our personal and professional leadership skills for the betterment of the community.
• We value service, responsibility, and accountability and support each member’s ability to affect change in our community through leadership and volunteerism.
• We value partnership and collaboration to enhance and strengthen our relationship with the community.
• We value inclusion through our members’ diverse backgrounds, opinions, talents and skills.
• We value advocacy as a means for initiating change.
• We value the loyalty, personal commitment and dedication of our members in furthering the mission of the JLP.
• We value our member’s needs for flexibility in their League involvement.
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