Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Arllaw

Author Information


About Author:
I am a four time published author and practicing witch. I have four grandchildren, two sons. I live to give and hope to live a long and prosperous existance. I love gardening and redecorating my home and other's when they let me. I can paint when inspired if my arthritis isn't in control on that given day of inspiration. I enjoy writing about witches, demons, ghosts and children fantasy stories and feary tales. I stay up late and rise early unable to sleep my mind is always scheming a scene for a story. My favorite color(s) are purple and orange, number(s) 3 and 5, the letter(s) A, R, S and my favorite element is water. I don't trust easily and never take anything for granted. I keep a journal and a Book of Shadows. I write and cast each day for only good to me repay. Blessed Be.
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