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Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Wiradjuri Girl

Public Books Published

* Girrawa's Journey
9"x7" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
20 Pages,  Aug-26-2013
List Price: $26.99

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Author Information

Wiradjuri Girl

About Author:
My tribe are the Wiradjuri people from New South Wales, Australia. Our people have a strong spiritual connection to the land. Wiradjuri people had their own language and a rich culture of stories and songs. My clan lived on the banks of the Lachlan River. My earliest memories are from that area, though I later lived and grew up on the eastern coast of N.S.W. It is my duty as an Elder to keep our culture alive and pass on the knowledge and stories, not only to my Children and Grandchildren but to share with all who want to learn about, appreciate and respect the Indigenous people of Australia and their culture.
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