Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: AlfredoC

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About Author:
Freddy Carrillo has been know for his awesome books. Everyone around the world loves him. Especially, the ladies!!! If you know what I mean.!!! But, this part is farkin' true, and the part about the ladies, as well. Freddy Car has been making books in the grade of 1st & 2nd. It was a fun little Era,sadly , he stopped at the Awesome grade of 3rd and all the way up, until the time when he stood his silly little ass of the fucking chair and wrote the book. His fans(mostly girls) were hugging him & kissing him, also with their tongues in his mouth, as well. Woman were one of the biggest contributors of his success. Woman had a sort of lust of wanting to have abortions. To prevent that, Freddy wears condoms to prevent abortion from happening.
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