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Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: IkkleRed

Author Information


About Author:
I'm not one to big myself up when it comes to the things i produce with the aid of my brain, I just like to be me.

I love to day dream about all the things I could create, yet I can never gather enough courage to do so... mainly because I am a perfectionist which is my down fall. A picture is not right unless I have every line perfect.

I have a very active imagination that I would love to take control over one day, yet it always takes control over me, my hidden dictator of my life! (which isn't as bad as it sounds =P )

My room is my space which reflects who I am and how I feel; if a mess that's because I feel a mess, If n when its tidy is because I feel happy and organised... anyway I'm rambling on. If you wish to delve into my life further then all you need to do is read =^. .^=
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