Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: mom

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About Author:
You come from a long line of cooks. Grandma Williams (Betty) is a big contributor to this book. She worked in the Michigan Extension Office and new recipes were sent to the office all the time. Her and Aunt Margaret were always trying new recipes.

Your Great Grandma Cline (Marie) cooked for nine children and worked in many school cafeterias and camps. She also worked with Grandma Cline Solnikowski. (Alicia). Grandma Arce (Mary) was Alicia's mom and she came from a family of ____. She made the best blueberry pie. Your Grandma Alicia worked at the grade school and high school cafeteria and had her own catering business. It was very successful for its time. I learned from her and Grandma Irene and just collected recipes from all our travels. Nana (Audine) was a fantastic cook and taught me a lot of short cuts. Grandma Anna even gave me a few tips and recipes. Her speciality wasn't cooking but she put the best ingredient in her food. They all did. And that of course is LOVE. Always to remember when you are cooking a dash of love should be in every dish.
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