Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Tra-C

Author Information


About Author:
She was born and raised in Houston, TX and attended Texas Southern University. She
later moved to Dallas/ Ft. Worth and attended the University of Texas at Arlington.
Her areas of study were Education and Spanish. She was called in to the ministry
at age 23 and later began writing, speaking, and conducting seminars.
Tra-C has been married for 16 years and is the mother of two children. She is
currently serving at her home church, the Move of Gilead, under the Pastorate of
Overseer Craig L. Cobb.
Tra-C J. Pierce has been given the wisdom keys to release captives from the
prison of poverty into the kingdom of prosperity. She has been given the gift of
evangelism, exhortation, teaching, and worship. To whom much is given, much is
Her pilgrimage requires and demands sacrifice, obedience, consecration,
cleanliness, and holiness; and so she gives. She is truly one of God’s Leading Ladies.
She is the founder of GEL ( God’s Empowered Lady), an organization that helps women
from all walks of life realize their potential and helps them get to the next level.
She is an Author, Evangelist, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She has
devoted her life to inspiring people world wide with her messages of hope, health and
On July 19, 1967, this amazing woman was given to the world at large. We
receive her with honor for she is a “Mover and a Shaker.”
Mrs. Tra-C J. Pierce
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