Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: emilyanneoxx

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About Author:
I'm sixteen years old. I have always like quotes and poems. I became more in tuned and more into poems when I was a freshmen in high school. My freshmen English teacher Ms. Button gave us a poetry assignment. I just continues even after the assignment was done and over with. Then as a sophmore in high school I got Ms. Button again, another poetry assignment was given and I knew this time I wanted to try making a book. I love creative writing and books the flop back and forth from past to present. Or talk novels that talk about crimes or have something to do with law involved. I'm an average teenager trying to figure things out and living in the moment and not trying to worry about where or who im going to be 10 years from now I try not to worry about that. I'm worring about high school for now and figure out where I'm going to college thats as far as I have got.
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