Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: ColleenHeas

Author Information


About Author:
I have a dog named Cooper and I love to go swimming and talking to my BFF, Kaitlyn, who is Ivy Crawling on this website. I live in Florida and I love to watch thunderstorms, but when they escalate to tornados and hurricanes, I hide in the closet. I love reading books about adventure and dark-ish books. I may seem a bit mature for my age, but don't worry, everyone thinks that I am. I currently like drawing on my Wacom Intous, which is a tablet that hooks up to the computer. I am very excited to share my stories to everyone on this Website!
I am currently working on a story called 'Father of The Stars, Mother of The Moon.' With Ivy Crawling (Kaitlyn). Our code name for the book is Kaitlyn Heaslip, and we are hoping to publish it soon!

-Colleen Heaslip.
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