Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Taylor Valk

Mission Statement


People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care

Public Books Published

* Half-Breed - Breed
8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
44 Pages,  Mar-10-2021
List Price: $21.32

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* Half-Breed - Breed
PDF eBook
44 Pages,  Mar-10-2021
List Price: $7.99

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* Taylor's Photo Calendar 2021
8.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
28 Pages,  Feb-11-2021
List Price: $20.67

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Author Information

Taylor Valk

About Author:
Hello world of Invisible. Growing up, writing was in my blood. Just like for some it's baking or to others to be a leader mine was writing. I was the; if you need something to motivate you I'll write you a letter kid. You want to be transported from this physical world and all around you I can do that too. You want to know what you'd be like if you were a superhero, cat, dog, mouse, whatever then I'm here for you. I'm here just to transport you and make you see everything in a new light. I write wherever I go; church, school, home. Bedtime, and even parties. You name it I probably wrote there. Yes, even the bathroom. My childhood dream was to be a writer and still is. Why? Everything is based off of stories. New inventions, apps, games, ideas! They all had to come from somewhere. No one thinks of an idea all on their own without the mind first taking that idea from an original someplace. That original place can be something as small as a book that no one has heard of but if I can get someone to smile and transport thgem into a state of imagination to get more courageous then I'm all for it. Imagination is how things were built and came to be. The mind is a muscle and like all muscles it needs to be trained and exercised. How do we exercise our minds? Our minds grow with information that is fed into it from imagination to facts and everything else. The mind then sorts through all the interesting information it has received and executes either a command or memory into all the other muscles of the body to do. Then the rest of the muscles try to make the thing the brain wanted them to. In laymans terms; muscles need imagination too to help motivate them throughout the day so they don’t get tired. Remember: people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. I'm a hugger not a fighter so if you're ready to transport into a whole new world with a new set of eyes then you can have mine. Don't worry, I have two! :)
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