Bookemon Personal Bookstore for: Moms Stories

Mission Statement


Ginny wrote over 26 stories to leave for her children and grandchildren to enjoy.

Public Books Published

* Mikey and the Snowman
8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
32 Pages,  Mar-12-2024
List Price: $26.05

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* Mikey and the Snowman
PDF eBook
32 Pages,  Mar-12-2024
List Price: $7.99

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Author Information

Moms Stories

About Author:
Ginny raised 9 children. She and her husband Don retired in their early 50's. They sold their home and purchased a travel trailer. The found themselves traveling all over the USA. Over the years she would write stories as they related to her travels and memories over the years. Some Stories are true and some are fictional.
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