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Angel Wolves

by Brooklyn B. Fitzgerald
108 pages    5194 reads    6 people's favorite    5 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book


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The PROGLOGUE basically explains what will happen.

Also, maybe when I have actually gotten around to adding in up
to about five chapters, I could start excepting reviews just for the heck of it


Features & Details
Created on: May-25-2012   Last updated:  May-09-2013
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 108 Pages
About Author
author icon evercrossed
Joined: Mar-01-2012

I'm a thirteen-year-old girl who lives in a small town, located in Oklahoma, (OK). On bookemon, my Best friend is Katie. Offline, I never really encountered a really strong friendship with anyone yet. I am close with my cousin Natalee. Me and her are like shoe laces, tied together and even though we are untied sometimes, we are still close by. I have a dog name Sonny, pronounced like Sunny. He's a mix golden retriever and, we don't know what else. Poor dog. I love to think about everything personal about myself under my favorite tree in my backyard. My yard is huge, don't know the exact length or width.
In photography I love to photograph the world not seen with our own eyes. Like a upside down point of veiw, or a point of veiw from a bug to a bird looking down us from the sky.
In art I love to draw flowers. Even though I know there is many more experienced artists and better out there, I guess I am pretty good for my age. I have always hated to brag but, my friends love to try to make me do so.
Poetry, something that has spoke to me in a whisper. I guess I understand people when they say they are misunderstood. I used to be that way, until I looked into poetry. Just look passed your problems, and into the good reasons. There has to be some.
A best friend, something I lack in my formal life. But, I know deep inside, that friend is going to outgoing and will pop into my life someday. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day, or that person is already right in front of me. Katie, your a good Best friend, I'm talking about my life offline. My friends are horrible at their jobs.
Music, it drowns me in chords and lyrics. I love to sing to it, create lyrics, play chords, listen to it with no other worries, and to dance with the flow. Music speaks to every individual, just find the one type that speaks to you most.
For one thing, I promise to be a good friend. No harm to be done, and no bullying to others. I will keep your secrets and not gossip. I will stay by your side, but be neutral for the sake of my other friend. I will understand, and oppreciate you. This I can promise but, you have to promise me something. Cross your heart and cross your fingers, don't hide your personality in the shadows and be yourself. Because, who else is going to do it for you?
I'm a Christian, just to let you guys know what vibe I'm in. Sometimes I may not talk guys, and sometimes I may never stop talking. But, can you keep a secret? Here it is:

I love you.
As a enemy,
As a friend,
As a family,
As a admirer,
As a dreamer,
As a human being.
Someone will always <3 you.

~Brooke :)

Messages from the author:


Three and one fourth of a page written so far for Chapter One: Avery's point of view

The only point's of veiw's there should be is Avery's, Princess Otsana's, King Jade's, Sky's, Kent's, One of Kent's knight's, and Avery's hiding mother

If you guys didn't get my message:

Hey guys and gals,

I have been noticing that books about wolves are on the uprise. I have encountered a idea about wolves also, I written the prologue for it and I am working on the main plot. It is called, "Angel Wolves."
So, I was thinking about advertising any of your books that may involve wolves. If you have any friends that you know is creating a book and looking for advertisement in any way, let them know about this, so they can be given an oppurtunity.
This book I created is new, so it is slowly gaining some readers. I was just thinking maybe I could advertise your books, so if someone does have a interest in wolves, they can check out yours too.

Your Bookemon Pal,


Thanks to my little brother, who inspires me to write with his BIG imagination and to my BIG inspiration, that asked my brother what this cover reminds him of.


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