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BLACKHAWK MINES CORP - New product promises to reduce environmental effects of burning coal

by diegofotch
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

Asia Coal Catalyst Company has launched new product that promises to improve significantly energy efficiencies, as well as reducing environmental impacts from burning low calorie coal.

CC-88 is a combustion catalyst, which helps improve combustion burning solid fuel types, like coal and petcoke. CC-88 allows these fuels burn more thoroughly resulting in less harmful pollution.

CEO Evan W. Lipstein explains that, at a full-scale demonstration at a utility in China last month, the company was able to achieve a 20% improvement to combustion efficiency.

Lipstein explains CC-88 is a specially engineered fireside chemical treatment designed to reduce slagging in utility boilers. Slagging occurs in the convection areas of the furnace, and is caused by the collection of ash on the boiler tubes and internal surfaces inside the furnace, which in turn crystallizes and hardens, thereby reducing the heat transfer efficiency. If not corrected

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-21-2013   Published on: Jan-21-2013
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Color Trade Book
Theme: Blog Book    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 100 Pages
About Author
author icon diegofotch
Joined: Jan-20-2013

Black Hawk Mines Bulletin is all for the preservation and promotion of mining ghost towns that are widely being neglected across the world. We support historical sites and promote the rebirth of current mining ghost towns that still have a lot of potential in generating income and historical value.

This blog regularly publishes news and details regarding mining-sites-turned-ghost-towns to educate people interested in history and to gather support for our cause from different parts of the world.

Our group is presently working alongside other associations to keep ghost towns, like the BlackHawk, Colorado, in the map; perhaps, even to try and make them a tourist spot.

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