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Double Life

by Samiah Wade
48 pages    545 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

This was a cold windy year for three teenagers. They were frantically stuck in there past and couldn’t let go of what they believed was their old life style. They had grown out of that “adorable” phase of life and didn’t realize that they were underestimating the consequences that were going to be handed to them later on in life. They were already adapted to the old way of living and were afraid to look into that clear mystical ball and look beyond the present and look forward to their future. They petrified about finding out what their next move would have been and what can they do to help justify the outcome of their actions.

Instead these three insecure teenagers continued to do what they did best, which was mentally injuring and hurting the ones that cared about them the most and began to bow down to those that were in their life for about two minutes. They began to lose respect for themselves and began to let whoever it was take advantage of their body, with the exception of one of these teenagers. She was afraid to do what everyone else was doing, but continued to convince the other teens that she to was “in.” She was in fact afraid to see what the other people would have thought of her if in fact she would have told them the truth about her being this “good girl.”

Features & Details
Created on: Sep-02-2009   Last updated:  Sep-02-2009
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Teen    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
teen life   
About Author
author icon samiah1314
Joined: Sep-02-2009

I was born on March 16. 1993, which means that I have only lived sixteen years of my life so far. But during those sixteen years of living, I have been through many trials and tribulations. Although I have very little experience in life, I have been through a lot to tesitify today. I have gone from insecurity to total confidence in the matter of two years. I have lost people in my life that were extremely close to me and buried myself in shamefulness because of the circumstances they were taking away from me.

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