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From Beginning To End its All Paradise - You have never been Alone, Did You know that?

by veronica dominguez
20 pages    1988 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
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About the Book

Veronica has spent years studying the biological sciences at San Francisco State University in the 1980's.

After Graduating from Balboa High School in San Francisco after the advice from her counselor who helped her apply for admission to San Francisco State University in the
summer of 1976.

Her birthplace was the second largest city of Mexico, Gudalajara in the state of Jalisco on the Pacific.

She is the eldest of three sisters and two brothers.

Her love for new information about the world we call home today has inspired her to ask questions about our true reality.

Her guiding Light brought her into a world she never imagined possible for someone like her.

During her youth there was a heavy emphasis on women

to become highly domesticated for home duties prior to marriage.

During her college years at San Francisco State University,
while studying the biological sciences part-time and
working part-time for a Dr. Cynthia Smith, D.P.M.
a Doctor of Podiatry.

Veronica finding herself in dire Financial Problems, decided to go the Human Resource Department at San Francisco State University. After having a meeting with the counselor
Mr. Alberto Olivares.

She was guided into the Binders that had positions open for students who were majorying in Science or Pre-Medicine

Hired as a Laboratory Assistant for gigantic petrochemical company in Richmond, Caifornia in the summer of 1987.

industrial position, she didn't realize she was working

one of the worlds biggest Billionaire in the world, Chevron Research and Technology in the summer of 1987 she

had a job there.

Features & Details
Created on: Sep-15-2009   Last updated:  Sep-22-2009
Format: 7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
Theme: Writings    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
true reality   
About Author
author icon veronica
Joined: Sep-15-2009

Veronica grew up in san francisco california.

In a town that is home to thousands of

humans from other nations come seeking wealth and fortune.

Yesterday it was the Gold Rush, that motivated young workers.

Today, it has changed. Young generations continue to seek wealth and properity.

However, The industrial nation boomed into computer technology as a means to wealth and fortune for many.

Impressed by this phenomena she studied

the biological sciences at san francisco state


Her intention is to discover more about her

surrounding community of world nations

in her own back yard.

But most of all love to get their responses on the written matter.

Messages from the author:

Do you ever wear yourself out trying to figure things out alone? Do you ever waste time and money because you tried hard to find answers, and solutions to problems greater than you? Stop trying to find solutions to world problems all by yourself. It will not work. The magnitude of our problems can only be solved by solutions given to us by higher intelligence for us to use.

Yes, the Higher Powers that govern us give us the Right Tools to help us use our own creativity and help others too, along the way.

For example; Today we have buses on Mission Street, that can pick up passengers and taken them to their destination points.

Yesterday; we were given horses to get most traverlers
to their destinations, for centuries, this was the most useful.

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