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"Im Made of Wax Larry, What Are You Made of?

by David Back
20 pages    378 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

the book is about how being different is perfect and that everyone is different in there own way, and that no one is perfect and we all just come together and we realize that everyone is different but we still come together as a community, town,city,state,country,continent and world we all are built in different ways and we need to imbrace dissabilities and race for what they are "human".

Features & Details
Created on: Sep-01-2010   Last updated:  Sep-01-2010
Format: 8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Storybook    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
my own creation.   
About Author
author icon bemis
Joined: Sep-01-2010

i was born in jackson, michigan. not far from detroit. i grew up listining to the news about all the violence that was going on in the city next to us. a city were gangs run free and crime is at it's highest, this place was called Detroit, from this town fear was sent out about what would happen next i saw a man get shot in front of our house this to me was a sign that we needed to get out of this place, it was not the ideal community to grow up in anymore, i feel that through the years i have shaped into a unique individual with high expectations for the world. i belive that there can be change with a little push. and i belive that there is good in all of us no matter the race. i just belive that mankind has a fighting chance against violence and racism. when i was growing up music impacted my life on a level that is unamaginable, it has made me who i am today. through the years music has tought me a variety of things such as: the wonders of love and the fear of rejection, how to tie my shoes, mass media and the news it has helped me in so many ways by emotion like if im feeling down than all i have to do is put my ipod on shuffle and.... i feel amazing. so i have decided to take up the task of writing and share the many wonders that music can hold.

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