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Look and You Shall See....

by Deb Bandy
20 pages    1877 reads    0 people's favorite    2 likes
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7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
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About the Book

Everywhere I look, I see the beautiful design and elements of Art...especially in Nature. Here are some of the photographs of the designs that have caught my eye. Look and you shall see....

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-16-2009   Last updated:  Aug-24-2009
Format: 7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
Theme: Photobook    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
nature's art   
About Author
author icon Deb Bandy
Joined: Aug-16-2009

Deb has always loved nature and the outdoors. Her early influence in appreciating nature and using her creativity can be attributed to her dad.

Messages from the author:

My dad would always take Sunday drives with our family. We would sing as we drove along. We would stop and enjoy nature's beauty; asparagus hunting along the fencerow, picking persimmons, skipping through the woods.
Hunting wild mushrooms was something we looked forward to each Spring. The enjoyment of nature became a big part of my life. I have always been an observer and nature has always been my teacher. As I grew up, I studied Art and became an art teacher for 20 years. I loved teaching my students to use their eyes and all of their look so they could learn, so they could see! These photographs are an expression of my joy in observing. I hope you enjoy them too!

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