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Nitsu No Sekai; Ichitsu No Mitsuko - Two Worlds; One Mitsuko

by JayTsuki
308 pages    4307 reads    2 people's favorite    175 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Price: $28.55    Gold Member Price: $25.7
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About the Book

Hideaki is an orphan and a Manga Cafe owner. He ran the Manga Cafe with his sister-like best friend, Aiko. Everything was going great until Aiko went to the store and never came back. Ever since then has been chaotic. Hideaki had been sucked into another dimension, fought a Man-Eating monster known as a Sekizo, came into contact with a Nine-Tailed Fox, and met a beautiful white-haired girl with freakishly long hair.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-07-2019   Published on: Apr-08-2019
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Open Theme    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 10 Pages
Action    Comedy    Fantasy    Romance   
About Author
author icon Jalon Stucki
Joined: Apr-07-2019

As you may know, I like writing. I started when I was 14 and been writing all certain pieces of crap. One thing that all my books have in common are two of the main characters, Mitsuko and Fellusaifu. In one of my first books were, Fellusaifu was a character that meant "Fail-Safe" (Just thought I should let you know.)
Anyways, I started writing because of my huge imagination (And high reading and writing level.) and Anime. I've always loved the weirdness of books and Mangas like Attack On Titan, Darling In The Franxx, Naruto, and Sword Art Online. They were my world and a safe haven. But after a while, anime only made me depressed (Your Lie In April) and consumed my life. I instead took up writing about it, writing alternative endings to my favorite shows. That eventually turned into writing whole novels on my own. Yeah... welp! that's all I wanted to tell you guys! Bye!- JayTsuki.

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