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One Chance

by evercrossed
48 pages    4134 reads    2 people's favorite    5 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

Constance lives in a poor town. Kids run around barefoot, in layers of dirt. Farm animals they can rarely afford run around free in the town too. The town is also full of houses made out of old, rotten buildings. She herself, lives in one. A four room house, including the bathroom. The two bedrooms are for her cruel mother and sister. The other room is a kitchen and living space combined. Constance has the closet. One cramped bed and a tiny shelf, that has only room for a lamp. Her mother is horrible. She shouts at her, blames her, and puts her in labor. Hours of work. There is a run down school she attends, the size of a football field, two stories. Gossip and bullying is not the only thing she needs to worry about though. There is a church, that holds the real secret. Half the size of her house, one big room for the christians. She goes there every Sunday, Wednesday she is too busy. At the church, for the first time in years, becomes different. She discovers a angel. He goes by Caleb and he prefers to be called by anything she feels comfortable with, sometimes she prefers to adress him by his given name or guardian angel. He is here for a reason not known to her or him himself. Demons are another task that haunts her life. Making it hard, taunting her into mischevious and terrible things. From stealing, killing, and more so. It only provides the demons pleasure and a good show. All Constance knows is this is the main thing she learned from her life is: Not everyone gets a second chance, so live your life fully, because you might not be as lucky, and end up with one chance.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-08-2012   Last updated:  May-04-2012
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
One Chance   
About Author
author icon evercrossed
Joined: Mar-01-2012

I'm a thirteen-year-old girl who lives in a small town, located in Oklahoma, (OK). On bookemon, my Best friend is Katie. Offline, I never really encountered a really strong friendship with anyone yet. I am close with my cousin Natalee. Me and her are like shoe laces, tied together and even though we are untied sometimes, we are still close by. I have a dog name Sonny, pronounced like Sunny. He's a mix golden retriever and, we don't know what else. Poor dog. I love to think about everything personal about myself under my favorite tree in my backyard. My yard is huge, don't know the exact length or width.
In photography I love to photograph the world not seen with our own eyes. Like a upside down point of veiw, or a point of veiw from a bug to a bird looking down us from the sky.
In art I love to draw flowers. Even though I know there is many more experienced artists and better out there, I guess I am pretty good for my age. I have always hated to brag but, my friends love to try to make me do so.
Poetry, something that has spoke to me in a whisper. I guess I understand people when they say they are misunderstood. I used to be that way, until I looked into poetry. Just look passed your problems, and into the good reasons. There has to be some.
A best friend, something I lack in my formal life. But, I know deep inside, that friend is going to outgoing and will pop into my life someday. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day, or that person is already right in front of me. Katie, your a good Best friend, I'm talking about my life offline. My friends are horrible at their jobs.
Music, it drowns me in chords and lyrics. I love to sing to it, create lyrics, play chords, listen to it with no other worries, and to dance with the flow. Music speaks to every individual, just find the one type that speaks to you most.
For one thing, I promise to be a good friend. No harm to be done, and no bullying to others. I will keep your secrets and not gossip. I will stay by your side, but be neutral for the sake of my other friend. I will understand, and oppreciate you. This I can promise but, you have to promise me something. Cross your heart and cross your fingers, don't hide your personality in the shadows and be yourself. Because, who else is going to do it for you?
I'm a Christian, just to let you guys know what vibe I'm in. Sometimes I may not talk guys, and sometimes I may never stop talking. But, can you keep a secret? Here it is:

I love you.
As a enemy,
As a friend,
As a family,
As a admirer,
As a dreamer,
As a human being.
Someone will always <3 you.

~Brooke :)

Messages from the author:

There might be a couple of miss spellings, or the wrong words placed in the wrong spots. Sorry, excuse them. Just tell me what page and what paragraph or area it is. I shall fix it.
Thanks. :)

Everyone says that love hurts, but that's not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Everyone confuses these things with love, when in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes us feel wonderful again.

Partly a true story, a strip of my biography ripped from me and placed in here. Caleb is what I call my guardian angel, he talks to me through my own thoughts, into doing the right thing when a bad thought comes to my mind. I have also seen angels before- I don't want to ruin the surprise- so lets say they are really beautiful, I can't describe such beauty like it in anyway, and I think that is one of the only words that fit. Just keep believing. Also... Demons... they're real too. They are very horrible... and so far I have only seen one. They used to be in my house until I talked to god... they do exist... if you will ever believe them or not.

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