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Strength - The girl who is trying to get away from her past. The guy who is trying to find himself.

by Ruhi Parikh
48 pages    78 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

Neil Shah is the epitome of a typical Indian boy: he gets perfect grades, has perfect looks, and a perfect personality. His life may actually be perfect. But one flaw in his life, that he thinks, is his overly protective parents. Even though he may be an adult now and in college, his parents are still very strict on him and his grades. He also is a star football player, but an amazing mathematician. He must juggle his way through life to figure out who he is and how to stand up to his parents.

Neil, on the first day of college, runs into a beautiful Indian girl named Alisha Dave. He knows about her: she's the girl with the terrible past, a past some people would not have been able to survive. Neil and Alisha both help each other with their issues, and before they know it, they are falling in love with each other.

Read this story from Neil and Alisha's point of view to get a grasp of reading of how two people, who never knew each other personally from before, can become so close..

Features & Details
Created on: Sep-27-2018   Last updated:  Sep-27-2018
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
#teenfiction #love #strength #indianleads #drama #   
About Author
author icon Ruhi
Joined: Sep-27-2018

Hello! My name is Ruhi Parikh and writing is my passion. I love to read and write, and it always has been a dream of mine to get my own book published.

In my freetime, I like to sleep, eat, watch TV (some of my favorite shows would be Riverdale, Stranger Things, Thirteen Reasons Why, Vampire Diaries, etc) and so much more!

And I hope you guys are having an amazing day! :)

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