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The Adventures of The Amigos

by Jordan Burke
88 pages    3971 reads    0 people's favorite    3 likes
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6"x4" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

The Amigos are back in more hilarious adventures, as they save the world from extinction, help Kiara save Edmond from an arranged marriage, Casper from an alternate reality world ruled by the Rougarou in Africa, & the Ghost of Trenton from subjugating the planet with the help of a famous TV dog, & you'll never guess what happens when The Amigos alter the fabric of The Lady & the Tiger story into a much better ending. It's a fun-packed series you wouldn't want to miss.

Features & Details
Created on: May-29-2019   Last updated:  Nov-25-2023
Format: 6"x4" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Family    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 88 Pages
About Author
author icon Jordan Burke
Joined: Apr-12-2016

Jordan is a 19 year old boy with Autism and the heart of a 6 year old. He has an extraordinary love for nature and animals and an innocence that is golden. His original intention was to write his story as a movie, which is why it is written in the form of a script. His dream is to have it actually be made into a movie, however, since we are just everyday folks with no means to make that happen, we thought we would try to get it into book form. He has spent the past three years or so putting together all of his ideas, creating his characters and typing the script.

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