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The Day Dream Girl

by Natalie Ballif
52 pages    6681 reads    2 people's favorite    4 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

An autobiography of Natalie Ballif. Three weeks after graduating from High School and the week I turned eighteen, I found out that I had Aspergers. It answered a lot of questons of why I am the way I am. Maybe in sharing my experiences as I see them will help other teenagers not feel so left out or alone, or just realize that they are OK the way they are. This is my autobiography, at least the first eighteen years of it. Being diagnosed with a spectrum of autism call Aspergers was not really a suprise to me. The text book discriptions were me. Not just some of them, all of them. It goes to show how different we all are and that fitting in has a different meaning for some if not all of us. I am working on becoming a stronger individual. and definitely want to keep writing. Here is my story.

Features & Details
Created on: Jun-07-2010   Last updated:  Jun-07-2010
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Biography    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 52 Pages
About Author
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Joined: Apr-04-2009

Three weeks after graduating from High School and the week I turned eighteen, I found out that I had Aspergers. It answered a lot of questons of why I am the way I am. Maybe in sharing my experiences as I see them will help other teenagers not feel so left out or alone, or just realize that they are OK the way they are. This is my autobiography, at least the first eighteen years of it. Being diagnosed with a spectrum of autism called Aspergers was not really a suprise to me. The text book discriptions were me. Not just some of them, all of them. It goes to show how different we all are and that fitting in has a different meaning for some if not all of us. I am working on becoming a stronger individual. and definitely want to keep writing. Here is my story.

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