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The Day My Life Changed

by Goose
24 pages    3729 reads    1 people's favorite    1 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

Being bullied and harassed can change one's life for a day, a week, a year, or even the rest of one's life. Those who are bullied can be hurt mentally, emotionally, and physically as well. Passing through the hallways, going on the computer, or going somewhere with your family, one can be bullied anywhere. Those who do no harm, are those that are harmed most of the time. The innocent is what I like to call them. I wrote this book because I've experienced being bullied and harassed for a long time. It's scary, and plenty of children have taken their lives because of this. I hope that by reading this book, you can help prevent bullying, but more importantly, if you're someone who is being bullied, maybe this can help you on how to deal with the emotions and effects in puts on one's life.

Features & Details
Created on: Jul-02-2009   Last updated:  Jul-24-2009
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Biography    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 24 Pages
About Author
author icon Goose
Joined: Jul-02-2009

When I was in eleventh grade, I was bullied and harassed each and every day that I step foot in to my school, logged on to my computer or even went about my everyday life. Going through this not only hurt myself, but my family and friends as well. My family hurt for me, and felt like they couldn't help me in anyway. However, as helpless as they felt, they did enough for me, by never giving up on me. I lived in fear every day of my life, and still do. I'm afraid to go anywhere, or be anywhere by myself. No matter what has happened, I'm still angry and upset about what I've gone through, and hope that by reading this book will help you to prevent someone from being bullied, or dealing with the emotions from being bullied yourself. It's not an easy thing for anyone in this world to deal with, but as a role model in my life once and still tells me, what doesn't kill you, will always make you stronger. I look up to her everyday and I know that in my life, I couldn't make it through the day without anyone that has helped me through this hard time. Thank you, I love each and every one of you with all my heart.

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