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The Guardian

by Lovelycolors
48 pages    3577 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

Alexandra can't seem to find a perfect love life. After suddenly getting her heart broken by so many guys who suddenly break up with her out of no where, she is miserable. All this changes when she meets Jasper. He was one of the new students, but already every girl was throwing herself at him, but he seemed only interested in Alexandra.

She can't seem to take her eyes off of him, but as she tries to become closer he would push her away. He is hiding something and Alexandra will stop at nothing to find out about this hot and mysterious boy and what he is keeping from her.

He wants to hold her and be with her, but no. That would go against everything he was trained for. To protect. He never felt like this for any other girl. But Jasper is drawn to her like a bee to a bundle of brightly colored flowers. She is breaking down his walls, making him exposed and vulnerable. How can he possibly hide something so huge from someone like Alex. The answer is. He can't.

Features & Details
Created on: May-09-2014   Last updated:  Jun-10-2014
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
love    mysterious    romance    secrets   
About Author
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Joined: Jul-23-2012

Hey there it's me LovelyColors.

Well I am a socially awkward booknerd.

I love to read, write, and draw.

I am always putting all the stress and pain I go through into my books.

Or when I have a good day I put all fo thoughts bubbly thoughts into my characters.

I am honestly try my best to meet the expectations fo writing but sadly sometimes I just somehow always mess up.

But I don't let that stop me from following my heart.

I love my friends and family.

I may not be all that smart or all that great but at least I am able to show the world how much I can write.

Thanks to all my friends on bookemon.

And I want to give a few shoutouts toooo.

Brooke5593, who is a awesome writer and amazingly nice.

Fantastic1014, who is an amazing writer and awesome!!!

BayBayKiKi, who is awesome at writing and is sweet!

I hope all of yall like my books, I try my best but I hope my best is enough!

Love ya, hang loose :)

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