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Warrior of Life - HIV stops with Me

by Elizabeth Fernandez
100 pages    164 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

This is a true story of a young girl named Elizabeth Fernandez who was infected by a loved on with HIV. About a year in 1/2 was diagnosed with thoracic cancer. She had chimo and radiation, and because the radiation burned her throat, she could not swallow so a feeding tube was placed. Elizabeth was ok for some time until an emergency tracheotomy had to be done to help her breath. After all these traumatic events, she has won the battle and is still moving to the beat. She is a warrior of life.

Features & Details
Created on: Jun-06-2016   Last updated:  Jun-06-2016
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Open Theme    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 100 Pages
About Author
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Joined: Jun-06-2016

My name is Elizabeth. I am a Latina woman breaking traditional codes. I have fought my whole life, now I fight for my life. I was born on the Lower Eastside of Manhattan with my golden gloves on. A fighter is one who fights to win 10 out of 10! I was born and raised in NY, NY--the Big Apple! I come from a loving family with two great parents who love me dearly. Mom taught us how to love God and all mankind and Dad taught us how to fight. But, New York built me strong. My mother ran the family grocery store. My dad worked at Bellevue Hospital by day, and by night he ran a Spanish Social club. I recall my mother did her best with the best schools she could afford. She gave my siblings and me the best she could. My dad was always just a phone call away. It was better that they did not continue to live together for our sake overall. I had a loving and painful childhood, but my struggle shaped me.

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