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Wolf Wars - Celestial

by Wolfie
48 pages    1100 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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8.25"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
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About the Book

Many doubt their purpose in life, as did I. For as a pup I had not a care for what should come nor did I care much for what happened. Liberty was my companion, the thunderstorm my friend. I was naïve, for how could I believe I should be safe whilst others suffered? Even now I recall the story my father told, it had no meaning at the time, and it fell on deaf ears. Ears that were not prepared to imagine that would happen to me. That’s why I am here, wandering the world with powers beyond my imagination, yet I am no god. With no bodily form, yet I am no ghost. I am dead…But still very much alive. But why should I start at the end? For my story shall make no sense to you should it not be told from the start

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-05-2012   Last updated:  Apr-06-2012
Format: 8.25"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
fantasy    magic    wolf   
About Author
author icon Wolfie
Joined: Apr-05-2012

my sifrt novel.

Messages from the author:

This is my first novel, i hope in time to have it finished but with school and such i havent had that much time to do so.
the story is based on the adventures of a young wolf, and to be truthful it was inspired by my friends at school. the story stemmed from an argument they were having, it was so petty i have forgotten what it is about . but it was a kind of our groups better than yours sort of thing and rather than joining in i just sat back and watched taking in how they acted. after doing this i used the primal behaviour as the roots for my story line and built it up from there.
the story you (hopefully ) are going to read is only draft 1 and i am not entirely happy with it but i need to be told how it sounds to be sure if its even worth carrying on with.

i have only done chapter 1 so far :)

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