Cheyanne w.

About Me
I love to wright all the time and Language arts is my favorite subject. I have always enjoyed books of all kinds and once thought I would make my own when i was little. now i see that it has come true for I have been writing a book called: The Magic Dream. I know it must seem like a weird tittle but i am only 13 and in middle school I have not fully learned what i need but are still going to wright my book as I please. You might think a kid could not write a very good book considering I haven't finished school yet but i got bored one day in my room and started writing it. It came out of no where, the idea to write a book. I haven't quite finished it yet but I am on chapter 18 about to go to 19 and my chapters a quite sorts, 2 pages full of an adventurous story. My family and friends have read it and think it is a good start for me to get a good education and write many more stories. I like writing fiction stories because they are adventurous and exciting. I hop people will like it .
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Hunger Games
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Susan Collins
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One direction
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The Hobbit
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Patrick Burgoyne
Personal Quote
" Never give up "

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Cheyanne w.'s Created Books

The Magic Dream
by Cheyanne w.
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