


About Me
Donville Mayers lives in the Caribbean island of Barbados and is the father of two children, Donnecia and Donneco Mayers. He is a teacher by profession and holds a Masters Degree in Education from Mount Saint Vincent University in Nova Scotia. Currently he is the Information Technology Coordinator at a primary school in the west of the island.This is not his first book but he has written before. The title of that book is 'Thoughts on Life' He is a prolific writer and has also done some small video productions. Worthy of mention are 'Who Killed Richard Burton' and 'The Production of Sugar' He is fan of cricket and follows the fortunes of the West Indian cricket team.

He is a realist and deals with life's issue through that outlook on life. He tries in everything that he does and in his interactions with people in everyday life to keep as real as it can get. With him what you see is what you get.
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by Donville Mayers
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