Harmony Gaines
Rock Hill
About Me
I have known God, it seems, forever, but specifically since the fourth grade. It was then I actually accepted Him into my life. I am in my mid-fifties now. There have been times in this life when I voraciously sought to feel and to know God and there have been times when I pushed Him aside to seek my own will, to fulfill my own agenda. But I now know He was there lurking in the background and waiting for my return.

In many ways, my life has not been an easy one. I was raised in a dysfunctional home as many of you reading this. You will eventually learn of my past, but, simply stated, complicated foundations do not provide us the tools we need for smoothly paved roads. There have been challenges. But this one thing has remained constant in my life: God has been present. He has made Himself known to me. He has provided guidance, and when I am willing to listen, He has worked miracles.
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