


About Me
Michigan Glambassador Glamour Magazine, CEO All About Me Program, Author and Screenwriter.

Michelle Rossi, (White) is a graduate from Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. She has earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education and a Michigan Teaching Certificate. She is the founder/CEO of the All About Me Program that is being utilized throughout many communities. The program is geared to teach today's youth how to build self-esteem, positive thinking, understand the creative mind, learn about personality, friendships and how to set goals. Michelle's workbook All About Me, is the instructional tool used in the program which has been reviewed by Mort Crim and other news media. Michelle's workbook and program is by far helping today's youth grow socially and academically stronger.

Gary W. Goldstein is Michelle's mentor. He is the wonderful producer of Pretty Woman, Under Siege, and Mothman. Michelle is attending Gary's wonderful MasterMind Group and writing three..
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