


About Me
I am a mother of six children, who's oldest son is currently serving time in prison 700km away from where we reside. A incident happened approximately four months ago which has now banned myself and his pregnant girlfriend from visiting my son which is truly heart breaking.
I never wish any mother to have to go through the heartbreak and pain that has been wrongly brought upon myself and my child. So Matthew has now been sitting in a jail cell for nearly five months without a visitor, how the sysytem justifies this as acceptable is still beyond me.
Matthew may have made some bad choices but it does not mean he comes from a bad family, and at the end of the day he is still a human being with feelings and emotions as do I and being totally seperated from my child is slowly crushing me. What I would give for just a minute to hold him and let him know it is going to be ok.
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A Day in the Life..
by Nicole Bottrell
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