Waterloo, IA
About Me
This is All About Me!

This women who lives for photographs is bright faced, blessed with deep-rooted & perspicuous eyes, carries one hundred & sixty plus pounds of tall, lean beauty draped on African bones, uses liquid soap that smells of peppermint or roses, drives her car barefooted. She appreciates the difficult differences between Toni Morrison and William Faulkner, understands that the Flea Market is really a family affair has tasted and lost profound love and experienced the pain and miracle of giving birth. She proclaims God to be the maker and head of her life and she attempts on a daily basis to have joy in her life.
This woman believes that Billie Holiday, Marvin Gaye & Louis Armstrong are alive and still swinging. She can't live without some type of poetry in her life. She loves veggies, brown rice, grapes pomegranates better known to her as plumgrannies, which it is hard for her to have since moving to the north, because you see she is a southern girl. She relaxes with music that requires a mind and A MAN who is comfortable with complexity and enchanting evenings. She has a smile that evokes volcanoes in men. Her hair is often shape, long and luxurious which she often does herself. She prefers baths over showers and sweetens her body often with aloe oils, shea butter, and Addict by Dior something from Paris, but also available at Dillard's.
Her home is her castle, it is art filled as are the rings decorating her fingers. She is a proud mother with a mission; A MISSION SHE WILL SEE FOREFILLED, she has thoughts and memories that go so deep, deeper that even she can imagine.
This is all about ME!
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Toni Morrison
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Pretty Women
Personal Quote
A proud mother with a mission

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